I know it was not that way here, I saw it develop and kept in touch via Facebook. Mike Wilson and his wife were instrumental in the starting of this group based on anger with the amount of money and the size of government. The current President and congress want to bury us in creating a government dependent people. I do not want that, I want to move back to a Constitutional Government.

This and work and health issues have all been taking my time up of late. Doing family stuff like the play and work stuff like trying to gets some money in the door with this poor economy. Adds some stress to a already busy life. But spring is here and the dogwood is beginning to bloom. Does not help the neck and shoulder pain that has kept me from having a decent night sleep in months. See one Doctor about it on May 1st, he is going to tell me it is not the fault of the accident 3+ years ago. Friggin Insurance companies. I hate that little lizard. But the 15th was also family time. Max went down to the protest with me. Part cause he was bored on spring break, part out of curiosity. Even he knows it is not wise to spend money you do not have to spend.

Picture was taken during the National anthem. Looked over and saw Max. Had to take the shot. It was a cloudy chilly day and it had rained the night before. It was cold when the wind kicked up on Fountain Square.

I get the sense of a under current of a march on Washington. Not sure when, July 4th might be a good day. It seems to be coming from the anger in response to how the main stream media is call people of the movement. The bias reporting like CNN Susan Roesgen and her lame attempt to make members look radical or fringe. They do not know or want to report on what the basic ideas are, less government, less spending, return to a constitutional form of government. It goes for both parties. They have both been guilty of this for 40+ years. Obama Nancy and Harry have just taken it to insane levels. The tax payers are made as hell and they are not going to take it any more.

We will see what happens near tern and more important, 2010.