Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rowe Woods Rest Stop

Rowe woods is one of my favorite places to walk the trails. It looked in full autumn color last week end. Wind and some rain this week has taken much of that way this week end. I will make another walk in the woods when I get home from the CNE band dinner in the afternoon.

I seldom stop here and sit, unless I have a lot of time on my hands. This is between the east lake shelter house and the wooden walkway on the west side of Powell Crosley Lake in Rowe Woods.


  1. You could even convince me to walk here.

  2. Sometimes - I make myself take the time

  3. Good advise MB, I need to keep walking, as you get older it is harder to get back up ... you want to do more things, time seems limited.

  4. Sir Gary any time you want to go there we just need a place to park the truck.
