Saturday, November 1, 2008

Favorite Times

Went to Powell Crosley Lake today in Rowe Woods, it is my favorite time of the year to visit and walk through the woodlands. I started taking pictures of floating leaves there in 2006. I went to take pictures of wood ducks and ended up taking pictures of surface tension of falling leaves on the lake water. It has become a yearly tradition. The lake had a lot of moss on it this evening, we have been in a drought so the lake is low. Plan on talking a couple walks tomorrow, this time with both cameras and a tripod.


  1. Hurrah! Beautiful leaf photos!
    These made my day, thank you:-)

  2. Thanks lin, went back today and took a few more, forgot about the time change so it got dark sooner than I had planned. Yesterday was perfect sky and all, cheers!

  3. Not your best - but will anxiously wait for some really good ones...

    BTW I did read your reply -
